3 maart 2020

Genomineerden Interclean Innovation Award Amsterdam 2020 bekend

De Amsterdam Innovation Award 2020 genomineerden zijn bekend gemaakt. Van de laatste robot en connected technologie tot ontwikkelingen in circulair en duurzaam schoonmaken: een sterke lijst met kandidaten gaan voor de competitie op het prestigieuze event Interclean Amsterdam 2020. In totaal ontving de organisatie 86 inzendingen, in 4 categorieën heeft de jury 12 genomineerden aangewezen. Op dinsdag 12 mei, op de eerste dag van Interclean Amsterdam, vindt de feestelijke bekendmaking plaats.

De genomineerden in de categorie Machines
LeoBot by LionsBot
A family of cleaning robots (each with their own specialism), the LeoBots are a step forward in terms of cleaning results – and bring a lovable personality with them.

Whiz by ICE Robotics / Softbank Robotics
Whiz is a fully autonomous vacuum sweeper powered by intelligent, self-driving technology that delivers high-quality cleaning results. Capable of navigating complex and dynamic environments, it helps teams to be more productive.

An exceptional intelligent dry vacuum cleaner, the ERA PRO drives effective resource management with cleaning data collected and sent to the state-of-the-art SPRiNTUS fleet management system.

De genomineerden in de categorie Equipment, Detergents & Washroom
ZERO Waste Cleaning: Reduce + Reuse + Recycle by green care PROFESSIONAL
With the circular economy a prevalent topic, green care PROFESSIONAL has introduced the world’s first 100% recyclable refill pouch that’s able to cut plastic use by up to 80%.

VacuTronic by Hermes
A new part of the Hermes system, the VacuTronic aids every area of façade cleaning – all while catching the wastewater created by this process.

TWT Solar System by TWT
Bringing smart systems into the flat mop arena, the TWT Solar System introduces smart dosing and solar panels for charging – increasing efficiency and productivity.

De genomineerden in de categorie E-Cleaning
TASKI IntelliTrail Analytics by TASKI, Diversey
Combining cleaning industry know-how and data science, TASKI’s IntelliTrail Analytics platform takes fleet management to new levels – helping teams to interpret information and calculate savings.

TORK Digital Cleaning Plans: Cleaning Software 
Making digital cleaning accessible to businesses of all sizes, TORK Digital Cleaning Plans gives facility managers the ability to deliver greater efficiencies through the digitisation of routines.

ToolSense IOT & ToolSense NOW by ToolSense 
ToolSense aims to eliminate sub-optimal machine use and failure through the digitisation of cleaning processes at a fraction of the cost of other systems.

De genomineerden in de categorie Related Products/Services
Recycle Factory by Spectro
Recycle Factory offers the opportunity to return empty plastic packaging that’s then either reused or recycled to create new packaging.

TORK Virtual Realist Clean Hands Training by Tork 
An interactive hand hygiene training simulation, TORK Virtual Reality Clean Hands Training puts users in the role of a nurse or physician – gaining feedback on their hand hygiene compliance.

Kärcher Battery Universe by Kärcher 
The Kärcher Battery Universe allows managers to see the battery status of all their machines in real time – making their machines far more productive.

Internationale vakjury 
Dit zijn de juryleden van de Amsterdam Innovation Award 2020:
Antonio Borreda, Director, Revista Limpiezas (Spain)
Chiara Merlini, Chief Editor, Cleaning Community (Italy)
Cor van der Velden, Chief Expert, Worldskills (the Netherlands)
Michelle Marshall, Chief Editor, European Cleaning Journal (United Kingdom)
Pierre Deschamps, Chief Editor, Batiment Entretien (France)
Reinhard Knittler, Publisher, ReinigungsMarkt (Germany)
Rob Geissler, Publisher, Sanitary Maintenance, Contracting Profits, Housekeeping Solutions (United Stated of America)
Ronald Bruins, Chief Editor, Servicemanagement (the Netherlands)
Ton van der Riet, Managing Director, Senzora (the Netherlands)

Interclean Amsterdam 2020 will take place from 12-15 May 2020 at RAI Amsterdam. Discover more about how the world’s most advanced cleaning show can help you – register here for more information.

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